Negative, Penis

13-May-2024 Monday
Pikabushnik probably

10-April-2024 Wednesday
A woman stabbed her husband in the stomach with a “rose” because he... didn’t cum enough

02-April-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “In Tatarstan, a 34-year-old woman cut off her man’s genitals because of infidelity”

31-March-2024 Sunday
In Tatarstan, a 34-year-old woman cut off her man's genitals because of infidelity.

15-February-2024 Thursday
The snow penis still brought schoolchildren under the article on the rehabilitation of Nazism

02-June-2023 Friday
In Tanzania, a man received a triple fracture of the penis during a dangerous position in sex: doctors had to open his penis

14-July-2022 Thursday
Brazilian anesthesiologist caught putting his penis in the mouth of a pregnant woman during a cesarean section

14-July-2021 Wednesday
An actor dressed as a rainbow monkey with a large artificial penis came to the library for an event for children in support of reading.

24-June-2021 Thursday
The incident took place in Marina

24-June-2021 Thursday
Tin from Marino

28-May-2021 Friday
He cut his eggs with scissors

26-May-2021 Wednesday
The guy was amputated *** after an electric shock

26-May-2021 Wednesday
Photo report on the operation from man to woman

24-May-2021 Monday

20-May-2021 Thursday
He cut off his head

31-January-2019 Thursday
In Moscow, a 27-year-old man committed suicide, believing that life with a 13 cm member is not life.
