Nazism, Odessa

02-May-2024 Thursday
10 years after the tragedy in the Odessa House of Trade Unions, the perpetrators have still not been found

12-August-2022 Friday
Odessa tragedy 2014 (reminder)

12-June-2022 Sunday
Response to the post "Alley of Hero Cities in Moscow on Red Square"

27-March-2022 Sunday
Questioning of a witness in the case of mass murder in Odessa on May 2, 2014

21-March-2022 Monday
Is Ukrainian fascism an invention of Putin's propaganda or not? Opinion from 2014

29-December-2021 Wednesday
Burnt Alive in Odessa

02-May-2021 Sunday
Today in Odessa, on the day of the burning of people from the House of Trade Unions, the center was filled with crowds of neo-Nazis and nationalists

19-April-2021 Monday
Einsatzkommando 12 Einsatzgruppe D. Einsatzgruppe D Sonderkommando 11b

03-May-2020 Sunday
Before the May 2 tragedy in Odessa, the Nazis were preparing Khatyn in Donetsk

20-May-2017 Saturday
In Odessa, the Ukrainian Nazis attacked the citizens of Moldova and punctured tires because of the ribbon.

11-May-2017 Thursday
Ukraine: Nazis and informers intensified the fight against veterans.

19-April-2016 Tuesday
Utyosov is probably turning over in his grave. It is sad.

15-April-2016 Friday
Ukrainian Nazis are preparing a new Khatyn in Odessa on May 2

16-October-2014 Thursday

06-May-2014 Tuesday
A comment

05-May-2014 Monday
Think! Applies to everyone!

05-May-2014 Monday
Sergey Petrenko's wall, in the light of the latest news

05-May-2014 Monday

03-May-2014 Saturday
For Bendera - Putinets, for Putinists - Bendera!

02-May-2014 Friday
Damn you Nazis!!! You will burn in hell with a blue flame!!!
