Supervision, Politics
29-August-2024 Thursday
Durov placed under judicial supervision
10-June-2024 Monday
Today an elderly woman got her feet tangled in wires
13-May-2024 Monday
Rate the idea
10-July-2022 Sunday
The cost of tracking one person according to P.G. Grigorenko
04-March-2022 Friday
The government proposes to expand access to personal data of Russians
23-November-2021 Tuesday
Why were prosecutors fired for likes on social networks?
04-April-2021 Sunday
Now controllers will control those under their control even better
23-March-2021 Tuesday
Special polling station
04-February-2021 Thursday
Facial recognition system catches those who went to rallies
14-September-2020 Monday
There are no trifles
27-June-2016 Monday
While everyone is so preoccupied with the horrors of the Spring Law...