Fraud, Technics

04-May-2024 Saturday
Well, I fell for scammers

21-October-2020 Wednesday
A short story about the Rozetka service center

02-August-2019 Friday
Fraudsters or not (yes)?

15-May-2018 Tuesday
Technique on Avito.

29-November-2017 Wednesday
Leasing scammers.

01-August-2017 Tuesday
Buying is not a good thing

03-April-2017 Monday
How to buy an iPhone with your hands or how not to get caught by scammers?

25-December-2016 Sunday
Technical disappointments of 2016 (goods from scammers)

05-September-2016 Monday
Rare scum, sells fake equipment and shoots a video about this.

07-August-2016 Sunday
Attention, scammers, or how the online store divorced me

11-March-2015 Wednesday
A new kind of fraud, or how a miser pays twice.

18-February-2015 Wednesday
Punishment for unscrupulous computer services

10-February-2015 Tuesday
Beware of scammers.

06-August-2014 Wednesday
How not to fall into the paws of unscrupulous SC
