Moscow's comsomolets, Syria

04-February-2024 Sunday
Putin presented the West with a tough choice: two options for the fate of Ukraine

29-January-2024 Monday
The strength of Iran's response to a possible US attack has been assessed: there may be nuclear weapons

29-January-2024 Monday
First Blood: The US and Iran are on the brink of war after the death of American soldiers

27-January-2024 Saturday
Foreigners appreciated NATO's intention to start a war with Russia: “How to protect ourselves from nuclear warheads”

21-September-2018 Friday
Israeli expert: The F-16 did not need to hide behind the Russian Il-20

04-September-2018 Tuesday
The State Duma accused Israel of airstrikes on Syria "at the behest of the United States"

29-September-2016 Thursday
Comments in Russian media
