freezing, Novosibirsk
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21-February-2024 Wednesday
Not a single minibus - the carrier refused to work in 30-degree frost on the agricultural Levoberezhny

19-January-2024 Friday
In Novosibirsk, the governor's patience has broken through. A state of emergency has been introduced in the city

19-January-2024 Friday
Chronicles of Novosibirsk. This is not an accident, but a defect

18-January-2024 Thursday
Great country Russia

17-January-2024 Wednesday
Continuation of the post “Novosibirsk takes up the baton”

17-December-2023 Sunday
A deputy from Novosibirsk saw LGBT* propaganda in a photograph of two guys eating ice cream in the cold for fun

13-December-2023 Wednesday
And before, Santa Claus drew snowflakes...

13-December-2023 Wednesday
Winter morning in Novosibirsk

09-December-2023 Saturday
Super Siberian frosts are coming to Russia: in some places the temperature will drop to -50

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