Youth, Teacher

12-December-2023 Tuesday
It was not for nothing that I then said “we’ll wait and see”...

10-November-2023 Friday
An objective view of the pedophile programmer from Germany Nikolai Erney on the situation at school No. 354 named after D. S. Karbyshev

01-September-2023 Friday
How do I get out of school

10-April-2023 Monday
American school teacher forced his students to write their own obituaries

10-April-2023 Monday
The answer to the post “Who are we afraid of, since we go to classes with weapons?”

28-March-2023 Tuesday
How a descendant of serfs met a pillar noblewoman ...

09-January-2023 Monday
Transition to self-education. Conflicts at school.

14-August-2021 Saturday
In Moscow, the violinist burned his music teacher alive

06-December-2014 Saturday
It should always be explained like this...
