Milky Way, Neptune
06-March-2024 Wednesday
Well, at least someone bothered and showed their fingers. I hit with my forehead)))
26-July-2023 Wednesday
Solar system to scale
23-July-2023 Sunday
Distances from the Earth to various objects in the solar system
14-June-2023 Wednesday
On June 17 you will be able to observe the alignment of the planets
06-June-2023 Tuesday
The orbit of the dwarf planet Sedna (red):
26-February-2023 Sunday
How long is a year on other planets in the solar system:
02-February-2023 Thursday
Interesting fact:
24-December-2022 Saturday
Is there wind on other planets?
19-December-2022 Monday
Orbit of Venus
30-November-2022 Wednesday
Which of the outer planets has the smallest loop it describes? Why?
02-November-2022 Wednesday
The dwarf planet Haumea is located in the Kuiper belt beyond the orbit of the most distant planet Neptune.
22-October-2022 Saturday
Interstellar object 'Oumuamua still puzzles scientists 5 years after discovery
21-October-2022 Friday
Interesting facts about Triton – the satellite of Neptune
07-October-2022 Friday
Found evidence of the existence of a giant planet in the planetary system of a white dwarf (one of the last stages of the evolution of stars)
17-August-2021 Tuesday
Neptune and Milky Way over sunflowers