Migrants, Hooliganism

17-April-2024 Wednesday
In the Moscow region, a migrant beat a pregnant paramedic

25-December-2023 Monday
What if this is the case?

22-July-2023 Saturday
Response to the post “16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody”

21-July-2023 Friday
Togata's response to "16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody"

21-July-2023 Friday
Response to the post “16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody”

21-July-2023 Friday
Moderotic's response to "16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody"

21-July-2023 Friday
Togata's response to "16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody"

21-July-2023 Friday
Moderotic's response to "16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody"

21-July-2023 Friday
Response to the post “16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody”

20-July-2023 Thursday
Response to the post “16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody”

20-July-2023 Thursday
Response to the post “16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody”

20-July-2023 Thursday
16-year-old Askarali Ochildiev, who knocked out a man resting in Gorky Park, was taken into custody

22-May-2023 Monday
Reply to the post "And Again Non-Nationality"

28-March-2023 Tuesday
In Yekaterinburg, the gang demanded parking fees from the residents of the house and damaged their cars

09-December-2021 Thursday
Parenting method

26-October-2021 Tuesday
Response to the post "Addition to the post "About the beating in the subway or" why men were transferred to Russia """

13-October-2021 Wednesday
Addition to the post "About the beating in the subway or "why in Russia the men were transferred""

24-April-2020 Friday
In St. Petersburg, the police opened a criminal case after the kidnapping of a girl under the guise of a national rite

08-December-2016 Thursday
Residents of Germany were outraged by the recording from the surveillance cameras of the Berlin subway
