Metro, Epidemic

02-September-2021 Thursday
Anticovid subway seating

04-July-2021 Sunday
Tired ... well, really tired!

05-October-2020 Monday
At the Spartak metro station in Moscow, electronic devices were installed that measure temperature

29-April-2020 Wednesday
The Ekb metro station is distributing reusable masks for FREE!!!

23-April-2020 Thursday
The amazing paradoxes of coronavirus

29-March-2020 Sunday
It's darkest before the dawn

29-January-2020 Wednesday
Why the new virus from China is a very big ass and potentially a new “Spanish Flu” that could temporarily disable civilization

17-December-2019 Tuesday
The time is mixed up again

03-August-2018 Friday
Superepidemic in the subway

02-February-2016 Tuesday
When intimidated by the flu epidemic

29-January-2016 Friday
Hmm... hmm.... please sit down, I'm on my way out
