Meteorology, Weather forecast

04-September-2023 Monday
Why is that?

29-August-2023 Tuesday
Researchers target weather forecaster's biggest blind spot

30-September-2021 Thursday
The first 20-degree frost hit Russia

29-July-2021 Thursday
Project Seven Fridays in the week #172. On this day, 71 years ago, regular weather forecasts began to be broadcast.

28-September-2020 Monday
Meteorological forecasts

21-April-2020 Tuesday
Cognitive dissonance on the example of weather forecast

14-March-2020 Saturday
An interesting forecast for today is expected :)

17-October-2019 Thursday
Either rain or snow...

12-March-2018 Monday
I started to understand meteorologists

24-October-2017 Tuesday
As a meteorologist...

10-July-2016 Sunday
Watch the most accurate weather forecast anywhere in the world!

04-July-2016 Monday
Looks like the bones fell flat

21-February-2014 Friday
Oh those meteorologists...

22-October-2013 Tuesday
How weather forecasts are made
