Metal, Metallurgy

25-May-2024 Saturday
And as a small summary of this series

06-May-2024 Monday
Somewhere the grass is greener and the sun is brighter

27-April-2024 Saturday
They have no knowledge, their psyche has been damaged somewhere, they have lost interest - this is my usual work environment

20-April-2024 Saturday
Masters of black and white accounting

05-April-2024 Friday
I find a blank, but it’s not so simple

03-April-2024 Wednesday
Product testing - cost, stages, pitfalls

30-March-2024 Saturday
Production accounting, warehouses, usefulness, procurement and how to figure it out

16-February-2024 Friday
"Textbook on rolling: errors and omissions that misled students and specialists"

05-August-2023 Saturday
One recent production story from a past life

18-January-2022 Tuesday
And here's how I saw the results of the audit

25-November-2021 Thursday
And how can you explain it to them if they don't understand it themselves?

17-July-2016 Sunday
Pipe rolling post

02-June-2015 Tuesday
