Management, Experience

01-March-2024 Friday
If a person cannot say anything good about himself, but wants to say something, he begins to say bad things about others (Part 27)

26-February-2024 Monday
Russian management is ruthless and merciless... Or “This is a good decision...”

05-February-2024 Monday
3 courses for big bosses: financial, business and people management

06-December-2023 Wednesday
How to combine corporate events, intellectual games and debates about the best programming environment

06-May-2023 Saturday
“In order for an employee to complete a task, one must think like an employee ...” or how to properly set tasks for your subordinates?

02-February-2023 Thursday
Weak employee - fire or train

07-April-2021 Wednesday
Why do you need an MBA

15-March-2021 Monday
What is the young store manager afraid of?
