Memes, Fake

10-April-2024 Wednesday
New from LEGO

12-February-2024 Monday
Fable: soon in all schools in the country

18-January-2022 Tuesday
Microsoft buy Sony, no more exclusives

05-January-2022 Wednesday
Kazakhstan Central Europe

22-December-2021 Wednesday
Yes, just look at them

30-August-2021 Monday
Hooray, a new taste brought up)

17-April-2018 Tuesday
If there is no heaven, then what is it?

08-February-2018 Thursday
It seems to me that such a version of the bulletin would be better. But it will be different.

20-January-2018 Saturday
D - Development.

17-January-2018 Wednesday
Can I?

21-July-2017 Friday
A Kurgan student was accused of extremism for not removing the meme from his page in time

06-May-2017 Saturday
The secret of success for modern warriors

03-January-2017 Tuesday
How fast
