Melody, Talent

04-June-2024 Tuesday
How do you distinguish talented music from mediocre music?

02-April-2024 Tuesday
Karbyshev Vadim Sergeevich Random waltz. Club "Active Longevity"

30-September-2023 Saturday
A certain blogger makes household appliances make covers of popular songs and he does a great job

23-September-2020 Wednesday
I knew that the bottles should not be thrown away)

26-October-2017 Thursday
A flight attendant announces the plane has landed in Chicago and gives out instructions in the voices of Loony Tunes cartoon characters.

16-July-2016 Saturday
Boris Ulybyshev - Between the Worlds

08-January-2015 Thursday
The piano should not stand idle

06-January-2015 Tuesday
Are you weak?

27-December-2014 Saturday
Even mesmerizing...
