Medics, news
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12-February-2024 Monday
“Let it pump, let’s wait”: doctors at a Novosibirsk hospital were accused of not helping the ambulance save a patient in the NSO

08-February-2024 Thursday
Reply to RocknrollaMF in “It’s impossible to survive on such a salary, it’s impossible to feed your family!” — the medical staff of the Glazov hospital in Udmurtia appealed to the President"

08-February-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “It’s impossible to survive on such a salary and feed your family!” — the medical staff of the Glazov hospital in Udmurtia appealed to the President"

07-February-2024 Wednesday
“It’s impossible to survive on such a salary and feed your family!” — the medical staff of the Glazov hospital in Udmurtia appealed to the President

06-February-2024 Tuesday
In Kushva, Sverdlovsk region, ambulance officers refused to go to work due to underpayment for duty and length of service

26-December-2023 Tuesday
On Sakhalin, a man died right on a street bench because it took too long for doctors to get to him

29-November-2023 Wednesday
In Ukraine, an 86-year-old woman received a summons

01-November-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Medvedev: Russia produced more than 600 tanks in 5 months”

08-March-2023 Wednesday
Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulates women on March 8 and presents awards. We have achieved serious, significant results

16-February-2023 Thursday
A strange explosion occurred during an interview with the head of the Turkish Ministry of Health with doctors

22-November-2022 Tuesday
No money, go to business! About the shortage of doctors

12-October-2022 Wednesday
Russian woman with medical education banned from leaving the country due to mobilization

22-September-2022 Thursday
The State Duma revealed the plans of the authorities to mobilize medical workers

18-April-2022 Monday
An additional 8 billion has been allocated for payments to social and medical workers

18-March-2022 Friday
Doctors of hospital No. 2 in Tambov will transfer one-day earnings in favor of the Russian military

03-February-2022 Thursday
The average salary of doctors of polyclinics in Moscow in 2021 amounted to 146 thousand rubles

20-January-2022 Thursday
Smolensk Children's Regional Hospital owes 14 million rubles to more than 800 employees

14-January-2022 Friday
The island of imminent help: two thousand people were left without doctors on the island near Arkhangelsk

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