Majlis, Russia

26-April-2016 Tuesday
The Mejlis rode away from the Crimea

22-April-2016 Friday
Natalya Poklonskaya advised the US State Department to create a Mejlis of Crimean Tatars on its territory

01-December-2015 Tuesday
This impudent face decided to block the Crimea from the sea))) Ha... Ha.... Ha....

20-September-2015 Sunday
Dzhemilev is engaged in racketeering

05-July-2014 Saturday
Mejlis leader Refat Chubarov banned from entering Crimea for 5 years

03-May-2014 Saturday
Natalia Poklonskaya against the extremists of the Mejlis.

03-May-2014 Saturday
The leader of the Crimean Tatar people, Mustafa Dzhemilev, was officially banned from entering Crimea

01-April-2014 Tuesday
The Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people finally decided to cooperate with the Crimean authorities
