Driver, Profession

01-June-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “How drivers are seen off on their last journey”

08-May-2023 Monday
Why do I work as a machinist. Profession benefits

06-January-2023 Friday
Continuation of the post “Secrets of your profession, which are better not to talk about. Train driver"

30-December-2022 Friday
Secrets of your profession, which are better not to talk about. Electric train driver

28-January-2021 Thursday
Elena Lysenko is the first female electric train driver in Russia. Due to stereotypes and the law, her path to her dream took 10 years

03-January-2021 Sunday
The first female machinists began working in the Moscow metro today after the ban on the profession was lifted

11-May-2020 Monday
Professional slang for a locomotive driver during the pedagogical process of educating and training young recruits

24-October-2019 Thursday
Are you being recruited by advertisement?) or how to become a Moscow metro driver.

03-August-2019 Saturday
Woman driver.

02-June-2016 Thursday
Locomotive driver. *professions of wonderful people)
