Matriarchy, PatriarchyPage 2
14-October-2024 Monday
Matriarchy and the Oedipus Complex
14-September-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "About the intellectual level of women"
14-September-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "About the intellectual level of women"
13-September-2024 Friday
About the intellectual level of women
02-September-2024 Monday
Patriarchy and Matriarchy in Russia
26-July-2024 Friday
Fighting sexism and patriarchy with the help of other people's posts...
22-July-2024 Monday
Pros of matriarchy
19-July-2024 Friday
Patriarchy forces you to prove
13-July-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Patriarchy or matriarchy”
13-July-2024 Saturday
Patriarchy or matriarchy
12-July-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “The baby is not yours”
12-July-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “The baby is not yours”
12-July-2024 Friday
The baby is not yours
06-June-2024 Thursday
Do you think patriarchy still reigns in Russia, or have the times come when the world has turned upside down and we live under matriarchy?
22-February-2024 Thursday
What happens when incels try science?
23-August-2023 Wednesday
Fem FREEEEEEDOOOOOOM!!!! or what do feminists NOT want?
06-August-2023 Sunday
If a man feels that he is not worthy of a woman, then he will not start a relationship?
03-August-2023 Thursday
Incest as a custom
24-July-2023 Monday
They said to be silent, so put your tongue in the well ...