Markin, Russia
24-September-2020 Thursday
The world's most powerful icebreaker will try its hand
22-August-2016 Monday
Markin: the number of child suicides in Russia is three times higher than the global one
25-April-2016 Monday
The official representative of the TFR will be available for everyone to communicate
30-March-2016 Wednesday
Markin: Rumors about the removal of arrest from Vasilyeva's property are "slightly" exaggerated
12-November-2015 Thursday
They will be judged in Odessa, the cities of Donbass and in Kyiv, which has sobered up, too ... http://monavista.ru/news/v._markin_s_bolnoy_golovy_na_zdorovuyu
25-October-2015 Sunday
The official representative of Twitter in Russia and his attitude towards the Russian authorities
10-September-2015 Thursday
ICR opened a case against the military leadership of Ukraine about the genocide
09-February-2015 Monday
Markin reacted to Poroshenko's speech in Munich.
02-October-2014 Thursday
Dnepr battalion fighter charged with killing civilians in southeastern Ukraine