Mum, Child abuse

08-June-2024 Saturday
One day my mother put a jar of potassium permanganate crystals in front of me, 12 years old, and said

15-May-2024 Wednesday
Reply to Anonymous in “How two evil men took a child from its own mother”

28-March-2024 Thursday
Eveready's answer to “How two evil men took a child from its own mother”

27-March-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “How two evil people took a child from its own mother”

27-March-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “How two evil people took a child from its own mother”

26-March-2024 Tuesday
How two evil people took a child from its mother

21-May-2023 Sunday
My mother often yells at me. She, to put it mildly, went nuts! On yo too! She beats me and yells ... Can she say that she was wrong?

06-April-2023 Thursday
I don't love my mother

10-November-2022 Thursday
mother of the year

13-August-2022 Saturday
The answer to the post "How much does it cost to beat a child in Minusinsk?"
