Maksakova, Politics

24-April-2019 Wednesday
Maksakova changed her testimony in the case of the murder of Voronenkov

27-October-2017 Friday
Modern Bandera in the service of the CIA

31-August-2017 Thursday
Maybe there is some radiation?

31-August-2017 Thursday
The influence of Ukrainians on the human body

27-June-2017 Tuesday
It looks like Voronenkov was happily married

23-March-2017 Thursday
SBU predictability.

23-March-2017 Thursday
Spirit feast. Briefly about the death of Voronenkov

23-March-2017 Thursday
On February 18, the death of the ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Voronenkov (Maksakov), was predicted.

23-March-2017 Thursday
As an ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Voronenkov (Maksakov) became a traitor.

23-March-2017 Thursday
The fugitive deputy Maksakov was killed.

18-March-2017 Saturday
About Maksakova

16-February-2017 Thursday
