Mayan, The science

07-June-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov – historian Galina Ershova | Sciencepop"

07-August-2023 Monday
Hindus consider the world to be an illusion. What does science think?

01-May-2022 Sunday
Toxic algae struck the ancient Mayan civilization

07-July-2021 Wednesday
It became known why the Mayans left one of their largest cities more than a thousand years ago

03-September-2018 Monday
The oldest Maya document authenticated.

04-August-2018 Saturday
Newsletter #628: Extended drought was again blamed for the fall of the Mayan civilization

21-March-2018 Wednesday
Domestication of dogs and other animals in the Maya civilization. Archaeological finds in Ceibal, Guatemala.

05-February-2018 Monday
Newsletter #484: Archaeologists Found Over 60,000 Mayan Buildings in Guatemala

12-May-2016 Thursday
The ancient city of the Mayan Indians discovered by a schoolboy turned out to be a hemp field

11-May-2016 Wednesday
How to Fool the World and Become Famous with Google Maps

07-January-2015 Wednesday
A set of accelerators in the style of Mayan manuscripts.

13-October-2013 Sunday
Where did the week come from?
