Maidan, USA
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20-February-2024 Tuesday
It turned out what is behind the myth of the “Heavenly Hundred”

31-January-2024 Wednesday
Life teaches nothing to this country

25-December-2023 Monday
After the parliamentary elections in Serbia, the pro-Western opposition tried to shake up the situation

06-December-2023 Wednesday
Congressman admits US involvement in 2014 coup in Ukraine

01-December-2023 Friday
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held a press conference following the meeting of the OSCE Council of Ministers 2023

21-November-2023 Tuesday
Oleg Tsarev: Ten years ago, from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada, I accused the US Embassy of preparing a coup in Ukraine

15-August-2023 Tuesday
US presidential candidate Kennedy Jr. said that Washington funded the Maidan protests for $ 5 billion

31-March-2023 Friday
War between Russia and Ukraine

10-March-2023 Friday
Protests in Georgia are reminiscent of the Kiev "Maidan", said Sergey Lavrov

13-July-2022 Wednesday
The Americans recognized the correctness of Putin after the statements of the former adviser to Trump

31-May-2022 Tuesday
Memory tablet. Statement of Ukrainian figures about the inhabitants of Donbass

31-May-2022 Tuesday
Memory tablet. US influence on the buildup of Ukraine

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