Hypocrisy, ScreenshotPage 8
08-December-2024 Sunday
Response to the post "Israel seized part of Syria's Golan Heights and declared it a "closed military zone""
05-December-2024 Thursday
28-November-2024 Thursday
Super challenge
22-November-2024 Friday
Hypocrisy on the shelves
25-October-2024 Friday
Reply to the post "Democracy is the power of democrats"
25-October-2024 Friday
Democracy is the power of democrats
22-October-2024 Tuesday
Love for children from animal protection
18-October-2024 Friday
George Orwell: Literature and Totalitarianism. Part 5 Magnum opus
15-October-2024 Tuesday
A little bit about hypocrisy
02-October-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post "On the topic of the day"
01-October-2024 Tuesday
If Israel falls, we'll take everyone with us. Whaaat?
24-September-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Project “Demography””
08-September-2024 Sunday
02-September-2024 Monday
Cobless's answer to "Everything You Need to Know About 'Poor' Alimony Payers Supporting 'Ex' Wives"
01-September-2024 Sunday
Goliar's answer to "Everything you need to know about "poor" alimony payers who support "ex" wives"
31-August-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "Everything you need to know about "poor" alimony payers supporting "ex" wives"
31-August-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "Everything you need to know about "poor" alimony payers supporting "ex" wives"