Champions League, Memes

11-May-2024 Saturday
Based on the results of the Champions League semi-final

23-February-2022 Wednesday
When forced to watch the Champions League and Europa League, while the RPL and FNL have not yet come out of the offseason

22-February-2018 Thursday
The hugs of Messi and Iniesta have become a meme on Twitter.

02-November-2016 Wednesday
Match Monaco - CSKA in memes

21-October-2015 Wednesday
When entrusted to beat the penalty spot in the first minutes.

06-May-2015 Wednesday
Dedicated to today's Champions League semi-final

21-October-2014 Tuesday
Champions League today

17-December-2013 Tuesday
About 1/8 of the Champions League, and the reaction of the teams to the draw)

25-May-2013 Saturday
In connection with the Champions League.
