Life hack, Pickup-Master

08-September-2019 Sunday
Life hack from N guys "How to meet a girl and make a lasting impression on her"

25-January-2019 Friday
Life hack: how to leave your phone number or a way to meet!

12-January-2018 Friday
Life hack from the pickup guru: How to interest girls at a party

09-August-2017 Wednesday
"Concrete" pickup. Sock tells how to "attract" a girl. ORIGINAL!

28-May-2015 Thursday
Life hack: just win her heart...

17-January-2015 Saturday
How to make friends on the street

22-November-2014 Saturday
Not confused)

11-November-2014 Tuesday
What do lavilas buy at night in Auchan

15-October-2014 Wednesday
A little trick to help the mean pick-up artist :)

16-July-2014 Wednesday
Life hack
