Liberal Democratic Party, Migrants

20-September-2024 Friday
Reply to the post "Wow!"

06-September-2024 Friday
Tristram's response to "LDPR launches vote on ban on bringing migrant families to Russia"

03-September-2024 Tuesday
Response to the post "LDPR launched a vote on banning the bringing of migrant families to Russia"

03-September-2024 Tuesday
LDPR launches vote against migrants bringing their families to Russia

03-September-2024 Tuesday
LDPR launches vote on ban on bringing migrant families to Russia

19-August-2024 Monday
Bill on families of migrant workers

09-April-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “LDPR proposes to introduce a lifelong ban on entry into the Russian Federation for foreigners with a criminal record”

08-April-2024 Monday
The LDPR proposes to introduce a lifelong ban on entry into the Russian Federation for foreigners with a criminal record

28-August-2023 Monday
Response to the post “We need to systematically build migration filtering, cutting off lawbreakers at the entrance”

28-August-2023 Monday
It is necessary to systematically build migration filtration, cutting off lawbreakers at the entrance

15-December-2013 Sunday
Liberal Democratic Party proposes to ban speaking non-Russian at work
