Kitchen, Microwave
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12-October-2024 Saturday
What to buy - a microwave or an oven?!

26-June-2023 Monday
Your choice?

12-May-2023 Friday
Non-trivial ways to use the microwave

20-March-2023 Monday
What you can (and can't) put in the microwave

28-December-2022 Wednesday
So that the microwave does not slip

09-December-2022 Friday
They say this is the future in the kitchen, you can no longer heat the soup in the pot

22-March-2022 Tuesday
Need electrical advice in the kitchen

02-January-2022 Sunday
About microwaves and casalets

24-July-2021 Saturday
Foods and items that should not be put in the microwave

20-March-2021 Saturday
Microwave glass swells

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