Ksenia sobchak, Philip Kirkorov

29-December-2023 Friday
According to Ivleeva’s idiotic evening party (18+, a little swearing)

28-December-2023 Thursday
Everyone who is angry at “celebrities”, has the question ever occurred to you?

27-December-2023 Wednesday
Continuation of the post "Fantastic Mra3i and Where to Find Them"

26-December-2023 Tuesday
She was just bitten by Panin

23-December-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “Everyone is weak at the party”

22-December-2023 Friday
Reply to the post "Everyone at the party is small"

22-December-2023 Friday
Everyone at the party is lazy

21-December-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post “Ekaterina Mizulina was outraged by Nastya Ivleeva’s naked party in Moscow, where Kirkorov, Sobchak, Lolita and other Russian stars gathered”
