Crash, Mi-8

22-March-2024 Friday
Mi-8 helicopter crash - October 2, 1986 - Chernobyl

05-February-2024 Monday
Possible reasons for the crash of the Ministry of Emergency Situations helicopter in Karelia have been announced

12-August-2021 Thursday
During the crash of the Mi-8 helicopter in Kamchatka, eight people were saved thanks to the staff of the reserve

12-August-2021 Thursday
TV presenter Nikolai Korzhenevsky survived a helicopter crash in Kamchatka

07-March-2019 Thursday
The crashed Polish fighter was repaired with a sledgehammer and a file. Details.

18-December-2018 Tuesday
Helicopter crashed in Tomsk region

02-November-2018 Friday
Helicopter burnt out in crash fell due to missing bolt

07-March-2018 Wednesday
In Chechnya, a Mi-8 helicopter crashed with security forces.

22-September-2016 Thursday
The Ministry of Emergency Situations spoke about the crew of the Mi-8 crashed in the suburbs

01-August-2016 Monday
Photos from the crash site of the MI-8 helicopter in Syria

15-October-2014 Wednesday
The crash of the MI 8 helicopter in Gelendzhik (the moment of the disaster)

05-September-2014 Friday
The crash of the Mi-8 at the air show in Gelendzhik hit the video

08-February-2014 Saturday
Mi-8 helicopter abandoned on Elbrus
