Krasnodar, Buying a property

21-June-2024 Friday
After a UAV attack in Krasnodar, the bus station and boiler room buildings were damaged

16-June-2024 Sunday
Peekaboo hates me! “When I grow up, I’ll become a realtor.”

30-March-2024 Saturday
Help me buy an apartment in the Krasnodar residential complex

09-October-2021 Saturday
About buying an apartment in Krasnodar

21-June-2021 Monday
The answer to the post "How to choose an apartment in Krasnodar?"

28-April-2021 Wednesday
How to choose an apartment in Krasnodar?

23-December-2019 Monday
Buying an apartment in Krasnodar: how will it be in reality?

01-December-2019 Sunday
The truth about Krasnodar realtors: nuances that surprise many people

25-November-2017 Saturday
Psychological trick

31-October-2016 Monday
The foundation of expanded clay block!? The new owner of the HOUSE will be very surprised!
