Catomafia, Remote work

11-April-2020 Saturday

09-April-2020 Thursday
When the cats were transferred to remote

07-April-2020 Tuesday
Features of homework

03-April-2020 Friday
Cat against working from home

01-April-2020 Wednesday

27-March-2020 Friday
Reply to the post “If you were hoping that you would be less controlled at home, then no”

27-March-2020 Friday
If you were hoping that you would be less controlled at home, then no.

27-March-2020 Friday
slightly mowed

26-March-2020 Thursday
When you work from home and your colleague is doing crazy things

20-March-2020 Friday
Work from home

20-March-2020 Friday
Is it me or do my cats disapprove of my home office?
