Corruption, Drug cartel

28-May-2024 Tuesday
In Mexico, a drug cartel kidnapped 66 people after $20 million from the cartel leader's home was stolen by police.

12-May-2024 Sunday
In Mexico, a huge convoy of cars with machine guns belonging to the Scorpions gang was filmed driving unhindered into the city

10-May-2024 Friday
In Mexico, the leader of a drug cartel sent the mayor of the city an invitation to dinner along with five severed heads.

09-March-2024 Saturday
The Northeast cartel responds to accusations that their former Z42 leader is collaborating with the country's current president

21-February-2022 Monday
"Good, bad, cop." The Case of Michael Dowd and Corruption in the NYPD. Part IV: "Money Doesn't Smell"
