Корея, Space

10-June-2023 Saturday
Business idea for a small business, renting out a space capsule house

05-August-2022 Friday
South Korea launched Korea Pathfinder, its first lunar orbiter, becoming the seventh nation to explore the Moon

21-June-2022 Tuesday
There is a successful launch of the KSLV II / Nuri rocket: South Korea became the 7th country in the world capable of launching a payload weighing more than 1 ton into LEO

27-September-2019 Friday
The launch of the first Korean mission to the moon was postponed to 2022

28-May-2015 Thursday
East Asia from the ISS.

07-November-2014 Friday
17-year-old astronaut from Korea - Hung Il Hong was the first to land on the Sun and successfully returned back

06-November-2014 Thursday
Cause for pride

11-December-2013 Wednesday
North and South Korea at night.

13-November-2013 Wednesday
While the US is fighting for oil, the Japanese are exploring space...

11-March-2013 Monday
North Korea and the First Cosmonaut! News!
