Comp, Help

31-March-2020 Tuesday
It seems this consultant wants to tell me something...

17-August-2014 Sunday

21-July-2014 Monday
can anyone help :(

30-June-2014 Monday
Computer help

15-June-2014 Sunday
People who understand computers, Please tell me. Except how is the history of visiting sites recorded somewhere in the browser?

13-February-2014 Thursday
Knowledgeable people please help :)

30-October-2013 Wednesday
And this shit all day long. The day before there was a voltage drop. Win 8 won't start

07-October-2013 Monday
Friends, help with advice

11-September-2013 Wednesday
Help with advice.

22-August-2013 Thursday
Help is urgently needed!

06-April-2013 Saturday
Pikachu need your help

08-March-2013 Friday
Expert help needed!
