Comments, КритикаPage 4
14-December-2024 Saturday
Post #12135540
10-December-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post "When you don't like Rap, Guest on Basta's show (pointed question), Otar Kushanashvili (journalist and music critic)"
02-December-2024 Monday
The Face of Modern Russian Online Literature 5.0 Hiniks for a Dinar
07-November-2024 Thursday
Under any post
28-September-2024 Saturday
It's hard to be a blogger
03-August-2024 Saturday
A little about our small but cozy community...
30-June-2024 Sunday
Oh, these stereotypes!
30-June-2024 Sunday
The logic of the commentators is unbreakable
25-June-2024 Tuesday
Who did you kill?
21-June-2024 Friday
Programming courses - 'Apocalypse Now'
06-June-2024 Thursday
Good morning
01-June-2024 Saturday
Double standards
31-May-2024 Friday
It's forbidden not to laugh
13-March-2024 Wednesday
My works
05-March-2024 Tuesday
Styopa went online