Cranberry, Spoiler

08-June-2024 Saturday
2019 film "Cool: 1918". How the “valiant” Ukrainians fought against the “devilish” Bolsheviks. Part two

07-June-2024 Friday
2019 film "Cool: 1918". How the “valiant” Ukrainians fought against the “devilish” Bolsheviks. Part one

07-June-2024 Friday
2019 film "Cool: 1918". How the “valiant” Ukrainians fought against the “devilish” Bolsheviks. Part one

22-March-2024 Friday
Anti-Soviet cranberries for takeaway. Analysis of the 2008 film "Nameless - One Woman in Berlin." First episode

06-March-2024 Wednesday
2020 film "Kalashnikov". Part three. How Kalashnikov, while testing a new machine gun, started shooting in an industrial zone and almost killed two workers

03-March-2024 Sunday
1988 film "Rambo 3". How John went to Afghanistan to save his friend from the clutches of the evil Russians

29-April-2022 Friday
NeWorlDisorder's response in "About Medvedchuk Again"

28-February-2015 Saturday
Cranberries in 12 Monkeys
