Klim Zhukov, the USSR

18-March-2022 Friday
Klim Zhukov on the prerequisites and consequences of the denazification of Ukraine

14-October-2021 Thursday
2021: The number of temples exceeded the number of schools for the first time since 1917

12-June-2019 Wednesday
In continuation of the conversation about the mendacity of Solzhenitsyn in "The Archipelago..."

12-December-2018 Wednesday
Klim Zhukov. Forum "Era of Knowledge"

10-May-2018 Thursday
K. Zhukov and I. Didenko "Terminator vs. Alisa Selezneva".

15-February-2018 Thursday
Klim Zhukov about the birth of the revolution: the victory and the rise of socialism, part 9, final.
