Clients, Tax

13-May-2024 Monday
A story about how a big fish got caught in the net of professional fishermen

25-January-2024 Thursday
The owner of an agency with a turnover of 35 million per year, thanks to management accounting, saw the real profitability of projects - and went nuts

27-December-2023 Wednesday
The owner of a production facility with a turnover of 100 million per year did not know what he was earning from. We set up accounting and showed the real picture

05-November-2023 Sunday
Computer wizard. Part 318. Digital and tax concentration camp is postponed...

22-May-2023 Monday
Favorite question from a client to a loan officer

14-March-2023 Tuesday
We created a problem for you, but we will not solve them, and this is OUR FINAL ANSWER

11-November-2022 Friday
Is it possible to earn big money honestly? #Businessman Tips

30-April-2022 Saturday
Types of organizational legal form of ownership (business) for marketplaces. OKVED code

30-May-2020 Saturday
Reply to the post "Replacing the Chandelier = Kidalovo !!!"

17-September-2019 Tuesday
Tax Administration Tax Administration...

03-June-2018 Sunday
How to prove that there were no problems yesterday?

11-March-2016 Friday
I'm from the tax
