Chinese, Toilet

24-January-2024 Wednesday
You can't trust anyone! Even the Chinese)...

21-October-2023 Saturday
It’s not beer that’s killing people: a worker at one of the largest Chinese beer producers used a production container as a toilet

18-September-2022 Sunday
toilet revolution

14-July-2022 Thursday
There will always be an Asian...

30-July-2019 Tuesday
St. Petersburg vs Tourists

23-May-2018 Wednesday
Why dot-type designs are more common in Chinese toilets than toilets

19-February-2017 Sunday
I'm not claiming anything, but...

11-April-2016 Monday

27-March-2015 Friday
everything is done right

07-February-2015 Saturday
China seizes 7,600 toilet paper rolls with portrait of Hong Kong chief executive Liang Zhenying

26-January-2014 Sunday
The Chinese, the Chinese...

19-September-2013 Thursday
toilet restaurants
