China, Oil
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16-May-2024 Thursday
Statistics, charts, news - 05/16/2024 - trade between the Russian Federation and the USA has increased by 1.5 times!

24-March-2024 Sunday
The alliance between Russia, China and Iran is a nightmare for the United States

22-March-2024 Friday
Sold Gazprom, transferring to LUKOIL. Exorbitant CAPEX, excessive taxes and the inability to replenish the supply of raw materials influenced my choice

20-March-2024 Wednesday
India will no longer buy oil from the Russian Federation brought by tankers. Are we expecting gasoline prices to soar?

07-March-2024 Thursday
Oil and gas revenues in February 2024 increased 1.4 times compared to January, but future production cuts threaten the Russian budget

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