China, International relationships

15-November-2023 Wednesday
Biden: Xi Jinping is another example of how American leadership in the world is being restored. They have real problems, friends.

29-September-2023 Friday
I don’t understand the joy for the Chinese

23-May-2023 Tuesday
Up-to-date data on Russian-Chinese economic relations

03-April-2023 Monday
China tightly took up Russia. Bordering Heilongjiang province unveils plan to modernize border towns

07-March-2023 Tuesday
China called relations between Beijing and Moscow the key to global strategic balance

09-February-2023 Thursday
Pink glasses

27-June-2022 Monday
Chinese language, foreign economic activity and prospects

06-March-2022 Sunday
Finally, a clear position from China

27-February-2022 Sunday
The Chinese Embassy in Russia called the United States a real threat to the world

20-April-2018 Friday
It's awkward like

10-March-2015 Tuesday
The Chinese demand that Russia take back the Communist Party and return the land to them

05-March-2014 Wednesday
I heard that the USA promised money to someone here ...
