Kiev, Mobilization

01-June-2024 Saturday
Ukrainian men are trying to escape raids by military commissars. Local media report: raids began in churches during services

19-May-2024 Sunday
"New reserve". A German officer told when the Ukrainian Armed Forces will receive reinforcements

18-May-2024 Saturday
Ukrainian truckers went to protest over the law on mobilization

01-March-2024 Friday
Residents of Kyiv protested at the military registration and enlistment office

11-February-2024 Sunday
Relatives of those mobilized came to a rally in Kyiv

25-December-2023 Monday
The Russian military correspondent named the number of Ukrainians who could be mobilized

20-April-2023 Thursday
Swing away from mobilization

24-October-2022 Monday
The military commissar of Kyiv said that the Ukrainian troops need to be understaffed

02-September-2015 Wednesday
Will the complaints of mothers whose children are in the ATO zone be considered?

05-June-2015 Friday
In Kyiv, they came up with new methods of mobilization.

28-April-2015 Tuesday
The fifth wave of mobilization began in Ukraine

14-April-2015 Tuesday
Correspondence in a working chat, Kyiv. Spelling preserved

05-February-2015 Thursday
Get under the sofa, fighter!

02-February-2015 Monday
I wonder if this is connected with Zakharchenko's statement about general mobilization?

01-February-2015 Sunday
The evolution of the views of the Ukrainian patriot from “Muscovite to Gilyak” to “I am looking for a job in Moscow” and “I am running from mobilization”

31-January-2015 Saturday
Will you go to fight for Kyiv and Ukraine?

27-January-2015 Tuesday
Patriotic "mobilization" began in Kyiv 27.01.2015

27-July-2014 Sunday
A friend from Kyiv called, the darkness says what's going on
