Koln, Politics
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29-December-2023 Friday
Europeans are horrified by soaring prices and unemployment

06-September-2022 Tuesday
Continuation of the post "Germany. In Cologne, a rally in support of Russia: Remove sanctions from Moscow, do not send weapons to Ukraine!

04-September-2022 Sunday
Response to the post "Rallies took place in Germany"

04-September-2022 Sunday
Protests in Germany

15-May-2022 Sunday

01-January-2017 Sunday
Looks like the Germans have a new word in their vocabulary

04-May-2016 Wednesday
From the open spaces

12-February-2016 Friday
Somewhere in Germany

30-January-2016 Saturday
German satirists about the Cologne events for the New Year

22-January-2016 Friday
Tolerant protection from rape.

19-January-2016 Tuesday
It was in Cologne.

17-January-2016 Sunday
It's just national customs

16-January-2016 Saturday
Another version of events in Cologne

15-January-2016 Friday
Coming soon in Europe

14-January-2016 Thursday
Charlie Hebdo drew another cartoon

14-January-2016 Thursday
This is the end of Europe

13-January-2016 Wednesday
German television special about the attack on women in Cologne.

12-January-2016 Tuesday
Reminds me of a case in Germany

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