Cafe, Soup

30-May-2024 Thursday
Homemade food vs. Restaurant cuisine: What to choose?

23-May-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Why the f**k do you order lamb if you don’t like it???”

23-May-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Why the f**k do you order lamb if you don’t like it???”

23-May-2024 Thursday
Why the fuck do you order lamb if you don't like it???

03-November-2022 Thursday
Imposter Syndrome

10-August-2022 Wednesday
Here in the cafe soup is served ...

09-February-2022 Wednesday
Difference in mentalities

11-November-2021 Thursday
Conflict over too hot soup in the US

31-March-2019 Sunday
Cleansing Soup

16-September-2018 Sunday
Do you want soup?

16-February-2018 Friday
Not my day

31-July-2017 Monday
Seasoned with tap water.

09-February-2015 Monday
Mmm... Soup

13-July-2014 Sunday

20-June-2014 Friday
Soup of the day in Minsk cafe

12-February-2014 Wednesday

07-May-2013 Tuesday
What's your soup of the day?
