Cafe, Review
Page 4

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02-May-2024 Thursday
Opened a shawarma cafe in St. Petersburg at the age of 48: the vicissitudes of delivery, or where the units in reviews come from

09-March-2024 Saturday
Good must come with fists or how to drop a business into a hole

08-March-2024 Friday
Catering in Ryazan

23-December-2023 Saturday
When the answer overshadowed the review!!!

21-November-2023 Tuesday
In the black black city, there is a Dead Cafe

28-August-2023 Monday
Reply to the post "They don't like Russians here"

27-August-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post "They don't like Russians here"

22-July-2023 Saturday
Reviews from cards

12-July-2023 Wednesday
Does anyone need your opinion?

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