Career, People management

17-April-2024 Wednesday
What does the boss need? Career life hacks

13-April-2024 Saturday
Important and Urgent: How not to bury yourself under a bunch of priorities

01-March-2024 Friday
If a person cannot say anything good about himself, but wants to say something, he begins to say bad things about others (Part 27)

18-December-2023 Monday
How to find a really cool employee without showing off and overpricing?

07-November-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the post “About business #11.Your salary will not increase! If you want, quit. Even if we then hire a replacement at an even higher price.”

28-August-2023 Monday
Response to the post “We motivate employees so that they want to do their job cool and grow their business”

28-June-2023 Wednesday
Glory to Galaktazar or what jokes do you have at work?

27-June-2023 Tuesday
When the boss is a workaholic and expects the same from employees
