Holidays, Teacher

21-June-2023 Wednesday
Teacher VS teacher through the eyes of a child

14-January-2023 Saturday
Arbekol's response to "Dumb Teacher"

27-December-2022 Tuesday
With a colleague on vacation. Ps Teachers have them too

06-May-2022 Friday
Summer holidays coming soon...

28-March-2022 Monday
Working hours of the teacher-defectologist during the holidays

29-July-2021 Thursday
What do teachers do in the summer?

05-February-2019 Tuesday
Mixed feeling

26-June-2017 Monday
You have no power here

27-May-2017 Saturday

17-December-2015 Thursday

24-December-2014 Wednesday
When it's too late to correct grades!

29-October-2014 Wednesday
Holidays at school.
