Kazakhstan, Russia
Page 63

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25-May-2024 Saturday
President of Ukraine Zelensky gave an interview to journalists from Central Asia

24-May-2024 Friday
Reply to the post "The Story of a Taxi Driver"

24-May-2024 Friday
Leader of the People's Party of Kazakhstan Ertysbayev on the legacy of the USSR

23-May-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Why have a wedding?”

17-May-2024 Friday
“Reliable ally”: the United States could buy more than 80 Soviet combat aircraft from Kazakhstan for Ukraine

10-May-2024 Friday
Heroes of the Soviet Army in World War II

09-May-2024 Thursday
How do you feel about the introduction of a visa regime with Kazakhstan during Victory Day?

26-April-2024 Friday
Chelyabinsk veterans will receive the largest payments in the country for Victory Day

19-April-2024 Friday
A selection of (not) cheap tickets to capture the May holidays! We fly to Belarus, Kazakhstan, China and Japan

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